World Hypertension Day: "Not many are aware, nose bleeds can be devastating and lead to ICU admissions"

 Hypertension is a silent killer and billions of people all over the globe are living with the disease. Many are controlling it poorly and are at the risk of major cardiovascular disease. This year on World Hypertension Day, doctors want to emphasize the importance of monitoring blood pressure. Hypertension is the biggest risk factor for heart diseases, stroke, kidney complications and premature death. Dr Honey Savla, Consultant Internal Medicine, Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai Central recommends everyone who is 35 and above to regularly monitor their blood pressure.

We all know about headache, giddiness, chest pain and restlessness as typical signs of hypertension but we are unaware of some lesser known signs of high blood pressure like nose bleeds which can be devastating and can call for ICU admission, adds Dr Salva. There are some lesser known signs like breathlessness and edema over feet which also occur in cases of high blood pressure. Intractable nausea and vomiting can be indicative of undiagnosed high blood pressure and brings one to the outpatient department often. Certain signs like black spots in the vision and sudden onset one sided decrease in vision can be a telltale sign and shouldn't be missed.

Talking about the shift in the age group for most of the non communicable diseases, Dr Salva says hypertension is no exception. “Now a days we seen individuals in the age group of 30 to 40 who have high blood pressure and deserve treatment for the same. Simultaneously there is increase in complications of hypertension i.e. stroke and myocardial infarction ,even kidney failure in age group of 40 to 50 which was not seen in the last decade.”


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